Peacock Eye ピーコックアイ【70 / 1000 AFS SELECTION】2本セット
多くのエキスパート/プロタイヤーの皆様からも、ご好評いただいている、” Peacock Eye ピーコックアイ【70 / 1000 SELECTION】” 。リピート購入されるお客様が大変多くいらっしゃいますので、2本セットを用意させていただきました。1本(¥600)ずつx2回のお買い上げですと、(
¥600 + 送料¥198) x 2 で、¥1598になってしまいます。2本セットなら、¥1000 + 送料¥198 = ¥1198。¥400もお買い得です。
Peacock Eye ピーコックアイ【70 / 1000 SELECTION】¥600/本
全長: 約 50cm
Only 70 perfect feathers were selected from a lot of 1000. This product is close to an art that has been carefully polished up one by one to make the fly as beautiful and efficient as possible. In addition to the sparkle and volume of the flue, the difference in the strip body is impressive. Each color can cover large to small aquatic insects and terrestrials.
The feather length: approx. 50 cm ( 20 inches )
When shipping, we will divide it into two and send it by click post.
¥600 + 送料¥198) x 2 で、¥1598になってしまいます。2本セットなら、¥1000 + 送料¥198 = ¥1198。¥400もお買い得です。
Peacock Eye ピーコックアイ【70 / 1000 SELECTION】¥600/本
全長: 約 50cm
Only 70 perfect feathers were selected from a lot of 1000. This product is close to an art that has been carefully polished up one by one to make the fly as beautiful and efficient as possible. In addition to the sparkle and volume of the flue, the difference in the strip body is impressive. Each color can cover large to small aquatic insects and terrestrials.
The feather length: approx. 50 cm ( 20 inches )
When shipping, we will divide it into two and send it by click post.
*Earliest delivery date is 2/20(Thu) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information